ets February 2009 - Architecture Overload

Friday, February 27, 2009

Review Questions: Building Technology 01

Here is a sample quiz on Building Technology (Materials and Methods of Construction) which is given in the afternoon session of Day 1 board examinations (see scope of subject below this post). Some questions in the recent board exams given in Day 1 are included in this compilation of more than 700+ questions. Try this quiz as part of your review.

There are 25 questions in this Quiz. You may repeat the quiz by refreshing your browser and different questions will appear.. Enjoy!!!

Password: atlascped

To learn more, enroll in our Architecture Board Exams Review Courses. Click HERE for details.

Try other Arki Quizzes HERE


A. Rationale and Description
1. Understanding of the properties of building construction and finishing materials; their application and articulation; systems and methods of specifying and construction;
2. Awareness of the different types/ formats of architectural specifications and presentations i.e. specifications brief, outline specifications, specifications matrix, technical specifications, schedules of finishes/ fenestrations (doors and windows)/ fixtures (sanitary, electrical, etc.)/ furniture (assembled, custom, etc.)/ equipment/ hardware, etc. ;
3.    Understanding of the types of con¬struction systems and methods; and
4. Application of certain management principles relative to the realization of the various stages of construction (including pre-construction and post-construction)

B.  Terminal Competencies for LEA Candidates
1. Ability to promote awareness and to apply in practice the principles of public safety through the correct specification and application of construction and finishing materials;
2. Ability to utilize the basic properties and compositions of construction and finishing materials, including their basic application and articulation for the building envelope;
3. Ability to specify appropriate building materials considering their applicability, practicability and functionality and in accordance with the standard and uniform system of architectural and/ or building specification e.g. Masterformat, etc.;
4. Ability to expresses the language of building materials, both in English and the vernacular e.g. Filipino, as used in the construction and design industries;
5. Ability to apply the essentials of architectural specification writing in identifying, recommending and using the appropriate type of materials for a particular building situation and/ or condition;
6. Ability to utilize architectural specifications as non-graphical tool to fully complement architectural working drawings;
7. Ability to promote awareness and to apply in practice the principles of public safety through systems and methods of construction;
8. Ability to describe the essentials of working drawing production through the language of graphical presentation;
9. Ability to translate conceptual architectural designs into architectural working drawings;
10. Ability to do detailing for architectural working drawings;
11. Ability to apply methods and techniques in the production of construction drawings/ documents for the construction, erection or assembly of a building/ structure;
12. Ability to describe essential concepts and principles relative to construction, erection, assembly and fabrication of various types of common buildings;
13. Ability to apply the different methods and techniques of estimating different quantities of materials, equipment and labor for use as a basis for sound project programming, scheduling and control;
14. Ability to describe the fundamental principles governing the design, purpose and application of the different types of non-conventional systems of construction and the advantages of using such systems;
15. Ability to provide some architectural working details for the various types of alternative building construction systems and components;
16. Ability to describe the latest system/s available in the construction industry; and
17. Ability to comprehend tender and construction documents and to understand the basic functions and legal importance of such documents.

C. Scope
The applicable architectural specifications for the following conventional and alternative building works:
a. Non-engineering civil works;
b. Carpentry and joinery;
Concrete and masonry;
d. Various metal works;
e. Structural steel for architectural applications;
f. Concrete and reinforced concrete for architectural applications;
g. Waterproofing, damp-roofing, insulation and the like;
h. Glass and glazing;
i. Painting and varnishing;
j. Doors, Windows and Other Fenestrations;
k. Hardware; and
1. Specialty works (pre-fabrication, vaults, signage, parking systems, etc.)

           The methods of construction for the following conventional and alternative building works:
a. Non-engineering civil works;
b. Carpentry and joinery;
c. Concrete and masonry;
d. Various metal works;
e. Structural steel for architectural applications;
f. Concrete and reinforced concrete for architectural applications;
g. Waterproofing, damp-roofing, sound and thermal insulation and the like;
h. Glass and glazing;
i. Painting and varnishing;
j. Doors, Windows and Other Fenestrations;
k. Hardware; and
1. Specialty works (pre-fabrication, vaults, signage, parking systems, etc.)

Ocean 9 hotel-casino project in Subic

After being rocked with controversy, the Subic hotel casino project "Ocean 9" will still push through but in another location. The Council for the Built and Natural Environment (CBNE) has come up with findings that contradict allegations against the project proponents.

The CBNE is composed of the United Architects of the Philippines, Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners, Philippine Association of Landscape Architects, Geological Society of the Philippines, Integrated Chemists of the Philippines, National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines, Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Philippine Institute of Interior Designers, and the Society of Filipino Foresters.

The CBNE issued a manifesto urging “a second look” at the Ocean 9 controversy to “come up with a more objective and intelligent appreciation of the situation.” Their fact-finding mission validated that the proposed project site is in Subic’s commercial district, there is no natural forest in the proposed project site and that no tree has been cut or felled.

Based on its findings, the group concluded that vegetation in the project site can neither be considered virgin forest, or a natural old-growth forest, and that there are no century-old trees in the area.

On the other hand, Grand Utopia is already impatient because of the delay resulting from the controversy on allegations by noted Filipino architect Felino Palafox Jr. that the project would destroy about 300 trees at the proposed site.

Despite the raging controversy, the Korean proponent has not given up on its $120-million project and is now scouting for another location and has asked Subic authorities for help in finding another site for its hotel-casino complex.

The new location being identified, though not yet final, is a block of waterfront property where the decade-old steel skeleton of an aborted hotel project still stands.

Source: Business Mirror

Urban Heat Island Formation In The Context Of Urban Sustainability


A steady increase in mean global temperatures and violent weather over the previous several decades has provided circumstantial evidence that significant changes in global climate are underway (Stone, 1999). Numerous efforts are underway to understand the cause and to explore the technological and management strategies to minimize the implications.
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In recent years, the role of human activities in the process of global climate change has attracted a growing level of attention within the scientific community. Perhaps more significant in the short term, however, is the impact human settlement patterns are having on climates at the regional level. Sustainability of human kind is often linked with global climate change but the climate change at city or regional scale is paid little attention by the policy makers and academicians in both the developed and the developing countries. Changing climate in the dense mega-cities around the world is a well-documented phenomenon. Cities like Bangkok, Manila, Shanghai,Tokyo, Los Angeles and San Francisco are becoming warmer and warmer everyday. The urban heat environment is worsening in other mega-cities around the world regardless of the development stages and its income level. Heat environment is neglected in most cities in terms of awareness, mitigation policies, researches and this poses a clear threat to urban sustainability. Policy makers and the people are less aware of the implications of worsening urban heat environment to the society and the urban system. Contributing to the potential for detrimental ecological impacts within cities in particular is a more regionalized process of temperature change known as the urban heat island effect.

The Urban Heat Island Phenomenon

“Urban Heat Island” is a climatological phenomenon wherein large urbanized regions have been shown to physically alter their climates in the form of elevated temperatures relative to rural areas at their peripheries. Temperatures of urban areas are usually higher (about 2.5 to 6˚C) than those of its surrounding, and this phenomenon have been reported inside dense and highly urbanized cities around the world.

Rapid urbanization and population growth in the mega-cities has resulted into massive infrastructure built-up and dense settlements. Urbanization has a dynamic relationship with the physical environment. As cities and urban areas expand (called Sprawl), thousands of hectares in naturally vegetated surfaces are being lost each year -- replaced with asphalt, concrete, rooftops and other man-made materials. While urban growth affects the physical environment (usually negatively), urban environmental changes also affects the qualityof life in these areas. The latter lead to biochemical, epidemiological and psychological responses in the urban dwellers.
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Urban Sprawl not only results in the loss of native habitats (where animal and plant species are becoming extinct or endangered), but creates Urban Heat Islands -- where man-made materials such as asphalt store much of the sun's energy producing a dome of elevated air temperatures over the urban area. In urban areas, buildings and paved surfaces have gradually replaced preexisting natural landscapes. As a result, solar energy is absorbed into roads and rooftops, causing the surface temperature of urban structures to become 50-70˚F higher than the ambient temperatures. As surfaces throughout an entire community or city become hotter, overall ambient air temperature increases. This phenomenon can raise air temperature in a city by 2-8˚F (World Meteorological Organization, 1984).

Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd and colleagues at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., found that urban areas with high concentrations of buildings, roads and other artificial surfaces retain heat and lead to warmer surrounding temperatures, and create urban heat islands. This occurs because in urban areas, there are fewer trees, and other natural vegetation to shade buildings, block solar radiation and cool the air. In addition, roof and paving materials absorb more of the sun’s rays, causing both surface temperature and over-all ambient air temperature in an urban area to rise. This increased heat may promote rising air and alter the weather around cities.

Man-made changes to the urban environment have been the traditional sources of the worsening urban heat environment. In the process of urbanization, vegetated land surfaces are converted into concrete and asphalt. These changes in the nature of surface have primarily affected solar reflectivity (popularly called albedo), evaporative efficiency and roughness of the land surfaces. Building density and type, amount of road surface, and energy use, as well as local topography and regional wind patterns, all work together to modify a city’s climate. These causes can be classified according to the following - alterations to urban thermal properties, changes in vegetation cover, heat trapping by urban geometry and man-made (anthropogenic) heat input.

Alterations to urban thermal properties

Today’s urbanized cities comprise asphalt roads, concrete pavements, parking lots, buildings and these absorb, store and radiate more heat than the vegetated surfaces. This disrupts the natural radiation balance of the surface resulting into the warmer city. The urban heat island effect is often noticed at night when buildings and other constructed surfaces radiate the heat they have accumulated during the day.

The most influential property in the formation of urban heat island is that of albedo. Albedo is defined as the ration between the light reflected from a surface and the total light falling upon a surface. As the picture shows, albedo can range greatly. Clearly, the albedo of vegetation is much greater than that of civil structures, resulting in structures absorbing much more solar radiation than trees and plants.

Changes in vegetation cover

Heat islands are created when city growth alters the urban fabric by substituting man-made asphalt roads and tar roofs and other features for forest growth. Apart from radiation balance, vegetation loss is responsible for decreasing evapotranspiration process in which plant uses heat from the air to evaporate water in the leaf transpiration process. The process releases moisture into the atmosphere. This process is similar to sweating in humans, effectively releasing heat into the atmosphere.

As the water evaporates from vegetation, heat is taken out of the environment. In that way vegetation act as heat sink. They are also responsible for retaining water into the soil and their absence decrease the ability of the soil to retain water thereby decreasing the evaporation rate. Therefore worsening heat environment is partly responsible for the decreased humidity in mega-cities too. Studies in Tokyo have revealed that the temperature has gone up by 2˚C on average and its humidity has fallen by fifteen percent in the last one hundred year.

Heat trapping by urban geometry

Another important reason for worsening of heat environment is the change in the wind pattern. Urban infrastructures increase surface roughness and they lower wind speeds which could have carried away surface heat gain. The formation of urban canopy changes the wind pattern and does not allow wind to enter or to swipe away from the near ground surface effectively, trapping heat inside the canopy.

The canyon structure that tall buildings create enhances warming. During the day, solar energy is trapped by multiple reflections off the buildings while the infrared heat losses are reduced by absorption. The city also changes the overall cooling action of the wind by channeling it into narrow streets. The geometry of high vertical walls and narrow streets also increases the summer heat cities as the high sun is reflected downward and is absorbed, and then reradiated, by the often rocklike street and building surfaces.

Man-made (anthropogenic) heat input

In order for cities to thrive, energy production is a necessity. Great amount of heat is released into the environment by powerplants. Transportation is also contributes large amounts of heat, which is evident to those stuck in rush hour traffic. Clearly, everyday human activity required for a functional society only aggravates the heat island problem. The biggest contributions are from areas of high industrialization, airports and seaports. These areas have enormous energy expenditures, and are highly unlikely to contain vegetation.

Mega-cities are characterized by high population density, high per capita energy consumption and their demand for energy is fulfilled in the physical forms such as electricity, oil, gases and coals which are ultimately discharged as heat into the urban atmosphere. Direct heat discharges are usually categorized as stationary and mobile. Heat discharge from buildings by air conditioning units is the single major source of stationary heat discharge. Although many industrial plants and industries are located far from the cities, still some of them are located in the cities which release heat directly into the urban environment. However they usually discharge heat from tall chimney stacks that are usually easy to swipe away by the wind breeze. Automobiles discharge large amount of heat that is mobile in nature. In the city centers and high traffic zones, the concentration of this discharged heat further increases by congestion and presence of fuel inefficient vehicles. A closer look into a mid-size vehicle for urban driving cycle suggests that nearly thirteen percent of total input energy is converted into the useful work while the rest dissipates as heat.
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The cumulative effects of all these factors cause urban environment to be hotter than the surrounding areas. Similar to the effects of global warming, such “urban warming” can have substantial implications for air quality and human health within affected regions Increasing at a rate of 0.25 to 2˚F (0.1 to 1.1˚C) per decade, the heat island effect within the urban cores of rapidly growing metropolitan regions may double within 50 years (McPherson, 1994). In light of the roughly 2.9 billion new residents to arrive in urban regions between 1990 and 2025, there is a pressing need to ascertain the implications of urban warming for metropolitan regions and to identify potential strategies to counteract regional climate change.

Continuation... (you can view it also here)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Review Questions: History Quiz 05

Here's History and Theory of Architecture 08 Quiz.

There will be 15 questions randomly picked from a database of 30 questions.
Each time you take the quiz, there will be different questions appearing. Enjoy!!!

Take the Exam again HERE.
Large screen setup HERE

To learn more, enroll in our Architecture Board Exams Review Courses. Click HERE for details.

Try other Arki Quizzes HERE

Review Questions: Building Utilities 02

Ccd ArkiReview

Create Your Badge

Here's Building Utilities Quiz 02.

There will be 15 questions randomly picked from a database of 40 questions.
Each time you take the quiz, there will be different questions appearing. Enjoy!!!

Take the Exam again HERE.
Large screen setup HERE

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

10 Architect’s Chair aution at Wright

chairs 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright

The auction of contemporary chairs designed by 10 world famous architects are held in Wright. The limited edition works were created in the colorful hues and varied finishes of Formica projects, achieving bold designs with innovative material and expressive form.

FORM: Contemporary Architects at Play was a collaborative exhibition and project initiated by the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati and realized with materials and fabrication costs donated by the Formica Corporation. The project represents a coming together of patronage, industry and artistry in truly cutting-edge designs.

zaha-hadid-cirrus-seat 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright zaha-hadid-cirrus-seat2 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Zaha Hadid
Cirrus seat + Estimate: $250,000–300,000

thom-mayne-untitled-desk 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Thom Mayne
Untitled desk + Estimate: $70,000–90,000

eisenman-chair-2 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright eisenman-chair 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Peter Eisenman
Chair #1 + Estimate:$18, 000–22,000

buzz-yudell 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Buzz Yudell
Sunergy chair + Estimate: $30,000–40,000

massimo-vignelli 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Massimo Vignelli
CuboSeat chairs, set of three + Estimate: $30,000–40,000

jaime-velez-dancing-line-chaise-3 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Jaime Velez with Jennifer Kolstad
Dancing Line chaise + Estimate: $18,000–22,000
This design won first place in the furnishings category of the Chicago Chapter ASID Design Excellence Awards for 2008 and a silver medal in the Spark Design & Architecture 2008 awards.

bernard-tschumi-typogram-bench 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Bernard Tschumi
Typogram bench + Estimate: $35,000–40,000

laurinda-spear-trelleaf-bench 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Laurinda Spear
Trelleaf bench + Estimate: $35,000–40,000

bill-pedersen-transformica-seat 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Bill Pedersen
TransFormica seat + Estimate: $35,000–40,000

michael-graves-j-chair 10 Architects Chair aution at Wright
Michael Graves
J Chair + Estimate: $18,000–22,000

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The winning and notable entries from the 2008 YP Design Challenge: Ideas for Sustainable Communities will be on exhibit at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines - College of Architecture and Fine Arts (PUP-CAFA) on February 24 (Tuesday) until February 27 (Friday). The YPDC exhibit is being presented as part of the celebration of PUP-CAFA's 9th Foundation Anniversary. It features the presentation boards of the winning entries in the Sustainable Shelter and Portable Playground categories, along with the entries' scaled models done by architects/model-makers Edra Belga and Ave Casono.

The travelling exhibit has been previously mounted at the SHEC (St. Hannibal Empowerment Center) Phase 2 Housing Project, Green Papaya Art Projects, and during the Shelter Design and Development (SDD) International Course at Imperial Hotel.

You are all invited to view the exhibit at its latest stop at PUP-CAFA.


Geraldine Matabang
Young Professionals (YP) Program Coordinator
TAO-Pilipinas, Inc.

Vernacular Terms

Ccd ArkiReview

Create Your Badge Here's a list of Filipino Terms used in construction.

Unosinotra, alternate/staggered
Liyabe, anchor
Batidura, astragal
Medya Agua, awning
Barandillas, baluster
Rodapis, baseboard
Tirante, bottom chord
Pie de Gallo, brace
Ladrillo, brick
Kostilyahe, ceiling joists
Sinturon, collar
Larga Masa, concrete slab
Escondro, crushed stone
Abang, dowel
Tubo de Banada, downspout
Escombro, earth fill
Alero, eaves
Tabike, exterior siding
Piye, feet
Batidura, fillet
Dotal, floorboards
Soleras, floor joists
Guililan, floor sill
Suelo, flooring
Alahado, flush
Kapatas, foreman
Balangkas, framework
Dos Aguas, gable roof
Kuling, girder
Sepo, girt
Canal, groove
Alulod o Kanal, gutter
Caida, hall
Bisagra, hinge
Pulgada, inches
Pendulum, king post
Piyon, laborer
Asinta, laying of CHB
Sibe, lean-to roof
Dulang, low table
Kantero, Mason
Kanto Mesa, miter
Paupo, mortar
Kostura, mortar joints
Estanyo, Nikolite bar
Truerka, nut
Estopa, oakum
De Bandeha, panel door
Lingueta, GI strap
Tapon, plug
Hulog, plumb bob
Bolado, projection
Reostra, purlins
Masilya, putty
Media Cana, quarter round
Vaciada, rabbet
Kabilya, reinforcing bars
Kaballete, ridge roll
Takip Silipan, riser
Rimatse, rivets
Lastillas, sand and gravel
Andanyo, scaffolding
Rebokada, scratch coat
Dutcha, shower
Prigadero, sink
Krokis, sketch plan
Estanyo, soldering bar
Biento, spacing
Staka, stake
Madre de Escalera, closed stringer
Trabe Anzo, horizontal stud
Pilarete, vertical stud
Latero, tinsmith
Baytang, tread
Pergola, trellis
Kilo, truss
Asolehos, wainscoting tiles
Bagad, wall post
Pitsa, washer
Pasamano, window sill
Poleya, wiring knob
Haspe, wood grain
Tabla, wood plank
Plantsuela, wrought iron strap
Palitada, plaster
Kalinya, aligned
Trankilya, barrel bolt
Biga, beam
Hiero, iron
Kisame, ceiling
Baral de Kadena, chain bolt
Poste, column
Kontratista, constructor
Kanto, corner
Dish rack, bangguerahan
Sumbrero Pintuan, door head
Hamba Pintuan, door jamb
Senepa, fascia board
Tambak, fill

Review Questions: Building Utilities 01

Here is a sample quiz for Building Utilities: Electrical and Electronic Systems and Equipment, including Lighting and Acoustics (see scope of subject below this post) which is given in the afternoon of Day 1 of the Architects Licensure Examination. Try this quizzes as part of your review.

There are 15 questions in this Quiz. You may repeat the quiz by refreshing your browser and different questions will appear.. Enjoy!!!

Password: atlascped

To learn more, enroll in our Architecture Board Exams Review Courses. Click HERE for details.

Try other Arki Quizzes HERE


A. Rationale and Description
1. Understanding of the basic practices, principles, general design and installation and/or construc-tion of utilities required for a building/ struc¬ture and its grounds/premises;
2. Understanding and analyses of utility, facility, and equipment require¬ments in relation to aesthetics, function, and stability of a building/ structure and its pre¬mises.

B.  Terminal Competencies for LEA Candidates
1. Ability to identify and apply the fundamentals of building utilities and systems;
2. Ability to apply fundamental concepts and principles covering the general design and installation of electrical, mechanical, electronic/ communications, fire protection, building management, plumbing and sanitary systems, waste management systems, and the like in buildings and its grounds, consistent with trade practices and recommendations by the pertinent professionals;
3. Ability to applies the pertinent code provisions relative to the planning/ lay-outing, design, installation, operation and maintenance of such utility systems and their components;
4. Ability to converse and coordinate with the professionals and their staff concerned with such utility systems and components;
5. Ability to apply the basic principles of planning, designing, operating and maintaining such utility systems and components;
6. Ability to identify and to apply  the different important aspects of acoustics and lighting as these relate to planning and design principles for buildings/ structures and their grounds; and
7. Ability to relate the psychological and physiological effects of such utility systems, sound and light on building occupants/ end-users.

C. Scope
Design and construction and/or installation of the following utility systems and their respective components:

1. Sanitary and Plumbing Systems and Equipment
a. Water source, storage, supply and distribu¬tion;
b. Plumbing rough-in and fixtures;
c. Drainage and sewerage systems; and
d. Waste collection, disposal, treatment and/or recycling.

2. Mechanical Systems
a. Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems;
b. Conveyors and other building mechanical equipment e.g. elevators, funiculars, escalators, walkalators, etc.;

3. Electrical and Other Power Systems
a. Electrical power and lighting supply, distri¬bution and fixtures; and
b. Electrical power source and alternative power sources.

4. Acoustics and Illumination
a. The psycho-physics of acoustics and lighting; and
b. Acoustical treatment and corrections.

5. Disaster Prevention and Protection Systems; Security Systems
a. Building fire-fighting, prevention, and pro¬tection apparatus;
b. Installation and/or construction of the different protection systems;
c. Materials and fixtures; and
d. Disaster prevention and mitigation systems.

6. Communication Systems
a. Electronics system; and
b. Telephone, intercom, internet/ DSL, cable TV, audio/video facilities, public address (PA) system, etc.

7. Building management and other systems
a. Climate/ lighting/ security controls and related applications for buildings/ structures;
b. Robotics and related intelligent building features.

Review Questions: History Quiz 04

Here's History and Theory of Architecture 07 Quiz.

There will be 15 questions randomly picked from a database of 30 questions.
Each time you take the quiz, there will be different questions appearing. Enjoy!!!

Take the Exam again HERE.
Large screen setup HERE

To learn more, enroll in our Architecture Board Exams Review Courses. Click HERE for details.

Try other Arki Quizzes HERE

Review Questions: History Quiz 03

Here's History and Theory of Architecture 06 Quiz.

There will be 15 questions randomly picked from a database of 30 questions.
Each time you take the quiz, there will be different questions appearing. Enjoy!!!

Take the Exam again HERE.
Large screen setup HERE

To learn more, enroll in our Architecture Board Exams Review Courses. Click HERE for details.

Try other Arki Quizzes HERE

Oculus is a very unusual and unique yacht

Yachts are amazing, they are certainly something to own if you have the right bank balance and that goes without saying. If you love collecting yachts or simply looking at them, just check out the "Oculus". It's far more different than anything we've ever seen floating before. The only way to describe this rather unusual boat is that it 'is representative of the jaw and eye socket bone structure of large oceanic fish and mammals.'
ship .jpg
So, you know that if you are traveling in a fish, you are safe. It kind of reminds me of Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea. In case you want to know the details, designer E. Kevin Schopfer says: 'Oculus is the first "design launch" of Schöpfer Yachts LLC. E. Kevin Schöpfer, founder and owner of his namesake company, designed this 250-foot vessel. Designed to accommodate 12 guests in extraordinary comfort and style, Oculus is a long distance cruising yacht capable of speeds upwards of 25 knots. The exterior styling is representative of the jaw and eye socket bone structure of large oceanic fish and mammals. Featuring a dramatic reverse bow configuration, the yacht's armature balances an elegant expression of symmetry and structure.
ship i.jpg
In addition to the bow, Oculus also features a "low rider profile". This slightly lowered surface allows for new side recreational areas, alternate dockage access and light cruising openness. Lateral retractable side panels close this area when heavier wave action is indicated. The interior features of Oculus focus on a 12 foot high ceiling in the main salon, a cylindrical double height dining room, central stair and elevator tube, and seemingly anatomical ceiling and floor lighting extensions giving definition to the seating areas. The second level is the dedicated Owner's suite.' The Oculus certainly is one unique yacht.

3D Cad Operators to be based in Japan

The Development Executive Group ( is currently assisting a leading engineering firm in looking for 3D Cad Operators (2 positions). Ideal candidates should have experience in 3D drawings of ductworks and machineries for energy-related plants.

For more information regarding the position, please visit http://www.devex. com/jobs/ 3d-cad-operators

Monday, February 23, 2009

Review Questions: Structural 04

Part 4 of Structural Quiz on National Structural Code of the Philippines - NSCP. Enjoy! For incorrect answers, click (+ show previous question).

Review Questions: History Quiz 02

Here is a sample quiz for History of Architecture (see scope of subject below this post) which is given in the morning of Day 1 of the Architects Licensure Examination. Try this quiz as part of your review.

There are 15 questions in this Quiz. You may repeat the quiz by refreshing your browser and different questions will appear.. Enjoy!!!

PASSWORD: atlascped

To learn more, enroll in our Architecture Board Exams Review Courses. Click HERE for details.

Try other Arki Quizzes HERE


A. Rationale and Description

1. Understanding and analyses of architectural manifestations from the beginning of civilization to contemporary periods of development; and
2. Understanding and analyses of the influences of environmental, historical and socio-cultural factors and their relevance to the development of art, buildings, structures and of human settlements.

B. Terminal Competencies for LEA Candidates

1. Ability to relate the history of arts and architecture as well as the technologies and human sciences to considerations of ecology and sustainable development;
2. Ability to identify/ differentiate, analyze and compare evolved architectural styles; 
3. Ability to relate past architectural styles to the development of present-day utility and construction systems/ technologies;
4. Ability to help reinforce culture and architecture as reflected in tradition, convention and/ or current practices;
5. Ability to utilize insights in the history of the human community/ settlements planning and design, with special emphasis on Asian structures/ buildings/ settlements;
6. Ability to relate the evolution of Philippine architecture to historical and present-day architecture in Asia and elsewhere.

C. Scope

1.. Introduction

a. The origin of architecture;
b. Historic styles of architecture; and
c. Factors affecting architectural solutions and styles.

2. Pre-Historic Architecture
a. Centers of development; and
b. Dolmen, Menhir, Cromlech. 

3. Historic Styles of Architecture
a. Period/ extent and centers of development;
b. Factors that affect the development of architectural solutions and styles (historical, environmental and socio-cultural);
c. General characteristics (architectural, structural, decorative, etc.);
d. General contributions; and
e. Notable examples.

3.1 Ancient architecture and the Western succession
a. Egyptian;
b. West Asiatic;
c. Greek;
d. Roman;
e. Early Christian;
f. Byzantine;
g. Romanesque Architecture in Europe;
h. Gothic Architecture in Europe;
i. Renaissance Architecture in Europe;
j. Nineteenth and Twentieth Century in Great Britain;
k. Architecture of Africa, Australia and New Zealand;
1. Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture in Continental Europe; and
m. Architecture of the Americas.

3.2 Architecture in Asia and the Pacific Region

3.3 Architecture in the Philippines

a. Architectural legacies
a.1 Vernacular,  Folk and Pre-Spanish Architecture (before 1550 A.D.);
a.2 Spanish Colonial Architecture (1550-1899 A.D.);
a.3 American Colonial Architecture (1900-1945);
a.4 Architecture of the Commonwealth Period and of the Post-World War II period (1946-2000); and 
a.5 21st Century Philippine Architecture (2001 to present).

b. Architectural preservation, conservation and restoration

c. Pillars of Philippine Architecture
c.1 Philosophies of Famous Filipino Architects; and
c.2 Examples of great works.

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature (Paperback)

Forget the notion that technology improves upon nature. Benyus introduces us to pioneering engineers making technological breakthroughs by uncovering and copying nature's hidden marvels. These engineers are devising solar fuel cells as efficient as plants, fibers as tough as abalone shell, and computers as sophisticated as the brain. For Benyus, though, a technology that mirrors nature does more than enlarge human powers and gratify human ambitions. Such a technology teaches us how to live in harmony with nature, rather than how to dominate it. Unless we learn this urgent lesson, Benyus warns, our highly unnatural and exploitative technologies will soon render the earth unfit for life. Sobering yet hopeful, this book will bring help bridge the dangerous chasm between technophiles and environmentalists. (From Booklist)>

Skyscraper for the XXI Century By eVolo - Carlo Aiello

eVolo presents the best 60 projects of the 2006, 2007, and 2008 Skyscraper Competition. An investigation by architects, students, and designers on the future of the skyscraper. What is the skyscraper in the beginning of the XXI Century? What is the historical and social context of these mega-structures? What is their response to the urban fabric? Is the human scale lost?

Breaking Ground: Adventures in Life and Architecture By Daniel Libeskind, Sarah Crichton

"The renowned architect introduces his iconoclastic approach to public space and shares his vision for the most important architectural project of our time, the 1776 Freedom Tower at the World Trade Center site.

Drawing on his uncommon background and global perspective, in Breaking Ground Daniel Libeskind explores ideas about tragedy and hope, and the way in which architecture can memorialize-and reshape-human experience.

Born in 1946 to Holocaust survivors in Poland, Daniel Libeskind eventually emigrated to New York City in 1959. A virtuoso musician before studying architecture, Libeskind has designed iconic buildings around the world, including the Jewish Museum Berlin and the Imperial War Museum in Manchester, England. In February 2003, Libeskind was chosen as the Master Plan Architect for the World Trade Center reconstruction.

Full of the vitality, humor, and visionary spark that helped win him the Trade Center Commission, Breaking Ground invites readers to see architecture-and the larger world-through new perspectives."

Laws Related to Practice of Architecture in the Philippines

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Create Your Badge Here's a list of related laws and referral codes to the practice of architecture in the Philippines.
RA 1582 - An Act to Regulate the Practice of Civil Engineering
in the Philippines
RA 8534 - An Act Regulating the Practice of Interior Design in the Philippines

RA 9275 - Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004

PD 856 - Code on Sanitation of the Philippines

Revised Architect's Code of Ethics (2006)

Pursuant to Section 7 (g), Article II of R.A. No. 9266, known as the “Architecture Act of 2004” and Section 7 (g), Rule II of Board Resolution No. 07, Series of 2004, cited as "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004", the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (hereinafter called Board), subject to approval by the Professional Regulation Commission (hereinafter called Commission), resolves, as it is hereby resolved, to adopt and promulgate the hereunder Code of Ethical Conduct for Registered and Licensed Architects and for holders of temporary/special permits under the said R.A. No. 9266 and Board Res. No. 07 as prescribed and issued by the United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. (UAP), the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects (IAPOA) in the Philippines by virtue of Board Res. No. 03, Series of 2004 as approved by the Commission.
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Review Questions: Structural 03

Part 3 of Structural Quiz on National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP). Enjoy! For incorrect answers, click (+ show previous question).

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Review Questions: Structural 02

Part 2 of Structural Quiz on National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP). Enjoy! For incorrect answers, click (+ show previous question).

To learn more, enroll in our Architecture Board Exams Review Courses. Click HERE for details.

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Henry J. Cowan "Dictionary of Architectural and Building Technology"

This dictionary of over 5500 terms is compiled specifically for the professional. The explanation of terms addresses technical issues in architecture and building. The terms have been fully updated with many new entries for the third edition. This is a valuable addition to all construction reference libraries which will enable students and professionals from technical, management and professional fields to grasp vocabulary from outside their areas as they contribute towards the built environment.

The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture

The Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture, Travel Edition presents all of the best works of architecture completed in the last five years in an ultra-convenient mini-format, perfect for the holiday or business traveller. Each of the 1,052 projects from the comprehensive edition are included with a single image per building and a short text to help the traveller recognise it. The project entry gives the name of each building and its architect, the location, and the address, if visitable, as well as the telephone number, where appropriate. There is also a system to indicate which projects are open to the public. In addition to the forty two regional maps from the comprehensive edition, there are an additional 27 new city maps which locate the buildings in more built up areas The book provides a unique opportunity to visit 1,052 works of contemporary architecture in all parts of the world, from the Arctic Circle to the African deserts and beyond. The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture, Travel Edition is an essential companion on the travels of all those interested in gaining a first hand understanding of contemporary architecture around the world.

Hospitals Should be Safe from Disasters

Every year, many hospitals and health facilities in the country are damaged and destroyed by disasters to which the Philippines has a very high vulnerability. However, the government through the Department of Health has been nonstop in its efforts to ensure that our countrymen are not left without the vital care that they need in the midst of these catastrophes.

“The price to pay for the failure of health care facilities when disasters happen is too high in comparison to the cost of making these safe and resilient." Recent disaster experiences in the Bicol and Visayas Region and in earlier years in the Quezon Province highlight the tremendous impact that disasters can have on health facilities and local health systems.

The health sector is filled with highly trained, committed, and dedicated personnel who are ready to deliver healthcare especially in times of great suffering and need. To achieve and maintain quality of health care during health emergencies, these personnel will have to be supported by enabling them to work in safe health facilities where they can do what they do best --- save lives and limit injuries among disaster victims.

Among the objectives of the global campaign for "Hospitals Safe from Disasters" is to reinforce both the structural and non-structural resilience of health care facilities and to ensure that they continue to function after a disaster strikes. The first points to structures in safe geographical locations while the latter refers to health personnel and emergency preparedness plans which will keep hospitals operational in the wake of disasters.

What is a Safe Hospital?
What are the Essentials in Supporting Safe Hospitals?
What are the Structural Indicators of Safe Hospitals?
What are the Non-structural Indicators of Safe Hospitals?
What are the Functional Indicators of Safe Hospitals?
Download manual here.

Review Questions: History Quiz 01

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Here's History and Theory of Architecture 04 Quiz.

There will be 15 questions randomly picked from a database of 30 questions.
Each time you take the quiz, there will be different questions appearing. Enjoy!!!

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Review Questions: Structural 01

Part 1 of Structural Quiz. This was taken from previous board questions (1997-98) For incorrect answers, click (+ show previous question).

Structural 01 » Quiz School

To learn more, enroll in our Architecture Board Exams Review Courses. Click HERE for details.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Unique and Interesting Bridges

Who say's bridges are just all metal and concrete and boring? Here are some of the world's most unique and interesting bridges.

Pedestrian Bridge, Texas
This beautiful arched bridge in Lake Austin was a private build by Miro Rivera Architects and is used to connect the client's main house to the smaller guest house on the other side of the water. The idea was to make the bridge seem as natural as possible within its surroundings and to do this they made the decking and reed-like hand rails as imperfect as possible. The result is a bridge that looks extremely fragile but definitely worth the risk.

Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Opened in May of this year, the Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge is a stunning x-shaped cable-stayed bridge that crosses thePinheiros River in Sao Paulo. It's design is unique in that the 2 curved decks of the bridge cross each other through its x-shaped supporting tower, an illuminated structure that stands 450ft tall and has attached to it 144 steel cables.

Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge, Brasilia, Brazil
The JK Bridge in Brasilia is a lesson in elegant bridge design. The 3 huge arches diagonally hopping over the deck of the bridge give the structure an amazing visual fluidity and make the whole 1.2km bridge look effortlessly cool. Since being built the bridge has won awards for its design but is still massively under appreciated on a wider scale.

Kintaikyo, Iwakuni, Japan
The original Kintai Bridge was built in 1673 and didn't stand very long until it was damaged due to flooding. It was then rebuilt and survived for more than 200 years until a typhoon battered it to death in 1950. The bridge that stands now over the Nishiki Rivers the 3rd build and looks magnificent, it's 5 wooden arches displaying an incredible amount of detail and craftsmanship. Interesting fact: no nails or bolts have been used to build the arches, only clamps and wires.

Rolling Bridge, London, UK
Thomas heatherwick' s award-winning rolling bridge is an ingenious addition to the grand union canal system in London and is unique in its design. Unlike regular movable canal bridges, the rolling bridge curls up on itself to form an octagon by way of hydraulics. It's an amazing sight and a reminder that a fresh perspective can produce great, innovative results, even when dealing with a structure as common as a bridge.

Beipanjiang River Railroad Bridge, Guizhou, China
Beipanjiang River Railroad Bridge in Guizhou is an enormous railway bridge that was built as part of the much larger 'Guizhou-Shuibai Railway Project'. Connecting 2 mountains over a deep ravine, at its highest point the bridge's deck sits 918ft above the ground (to compare, at its highest point the Millau viaduct's deck clears the river underneath by 890ft). The bridge has succeeded in connecting 2 of the country's poorest areas.

Henderson Waves, Southern Ridges, Singapore
'Henderson Waves' is Singapore's highest pedestrian bridge and can be found at the southern ridges, a beautiful 9km stretch of gardens and parks which has frequently drawn comparisons to New York's Central Park. The bridge itself is absolutely stunning. The deck is made from thousands of Balau wood slats, perfectly cut and arranged, and along the length of the deck a huge snaking, undulating shell cleverly forms sheltered seating areas on every upward curve.

Pont Gustave Flaubert, Rouen, France

This is the incredible, brand new vertical lift bridge in Rouen, France, a beast of a structure whose 2 bridge spans weigh 1200tons each but can be hoisted 180ft vertically by the bridge's lifting mechanism in an impressive 12 minutes. Just the angular structures at the top of each tower weigh in at 450tons each, helping to support the lifting system as cruise ships sail through.

Hegigio Gorge Pipeline Bridge, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea

Technically, this is a bridge: it's a structure which spans a gorge. The only difference is, the bridge can't be used by humans due to the fact that its purpose is to support 2 pipelines - 1 gas, 1 oil - across the extremely high gap in Papua New Guinea. So high in fact that if this were to be officially recognized as a bridge it would rocket to the top of the 'world's highest bridge-span' list at an impressive height of 1290ft. By comparison, the current highest bridge span belongs to the Royal Gorge Bridge in Colorado, hanging a mere 1053ft above ground level, while Manhattan's Chrysler Building measures 1047ft.

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